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《蝴蝶飛翔》"Butterfly is free" 大細路劇團團員作品
Number of games:
29/07/2019 - 01/08/2019
Story introduction
自小在母親呵護下成長的Don,為了逃避家庭的束縛而毅然離家。在追求自由生活的環境下,他邂逅了隔壁一名對愛情缺乏信心卻開朗活潑的早熟少女Jill,二人迅速墮入愛河,Jill的熱情讓Don的個性得到解放。直到Don的母親Mrs Baker突然來訪,少男少女的戀情與母親對兒子的溺愛都受到了挑戰……
Don, who grew up under his mom’s care, decided to leave his parents and live on his own. One day, he met a girl Jill who doesn’t believe in relationship. The two quickly fall in love and enjoy their time together until Don’s mum Mrs. Baker suddenly make a visit. She disapproves their relationship…
Performance date
2019年7月29日 (一) 晚上7:45
2019年7月30日 (二) 晚上7:45
2019年8月1日 (三) 晚上7:45
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