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康樂及文化事務處《短鼻子大象小小》"Short-nosed Elephant Xiao Xiao"

Theatre, Sheung Wan Civic Centre
​Number of Performance:
6 場

Story introduction

從前有個森林,在裡面生活的動物都樂在其中,但一隻叫小小的大象卻是例外:牠天生鼻子短短,沒有一般大象的本領,所以並不快樂!雖然牠的好朋友貓頭鷹丹丹,還有獅子、斑馬及灰狼同學都不斷安慰牠,但牠仍然鬱鬱不歡。一天,臭鼬阿迪告訴小小,在森林盡頭有一位森林之神,可以讓夢想成真!於是小小毅然向森林的盡頭出發,尋找森林之神,希望得到漂亮的長鼻子。小小沿途遇到一些改變牠一生的事情,最終牠能否找到森林之神,達成願望呢? 台灣作家九把刀的文本,佐以現場悅耳動聽的原創音樂及兒歌,在色彩繽紛的布偶、杖頭偶和皮影偶的生動演繹下,為觀眾展示最感人的合家歡兒童劇。

All kinds of animals live happily in a forest, except Xiao Xiao, whose short nose makes him unlike other elephants. No matter how hard his friends comfort him, Xiao Xiao remains unhappy. One day, his good friend Di the Skunk tells him that there is a forest god, who lives deep in the woods, grants all wishes. Hoping to be given a beautiful long nose, Xiao Xiao sets out to find the god. This is a journey that leads to a series of life-changing encounters. Will his dream come true? Based on a story by acclaimed Taiwanese writer Giddens, this theatrical adaptation features a colourful cast of muppets, rod and shadow puppets, live original music and children's songs. A show that touch the hearts of all youngsters.

Production Team





Artistic Directors:Even Lam Ying-kit/Chan Chu-hei

Original Story:Giddens

Director:Chan Chu-hei

Producers:James Lung Tsz-to/Vivian Li Sik-ying

Artistic Directors:Even Lam Ying-kit/Chan Chu-hei 

Original Story:Giddens 

Director:Chan Chu-hei 

Producers:James Lung Tsz-to/Vivian Li Sik-ying

Performance date and time

House Programe


Audience Comments


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