大細路劇團《3D復活節》"Class 3D Easter Party"
Lecture Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre
Number of Performance:
Story introduction
《3D復活節》三齣曾在學校上演的巡迴劇之劇場版,這三齣劇曾被各學校評為富教育意義、活潑生動帶出主題、歌曲音樂動聽;劇團重演此三劇,除繼續以劇團一向以寓教育於娛樂之中的宗旨外,更可邀請 貴家長陪同兒童一起欣賞這三齣富不同教育意義的戲劇,更可與兒童一起參與劇情發展,一起渡過精彩的復活節。 《平等細運會》在大細路小學的運動會上,一位神秘的‘王SIR’擔任了運動會的總裁判。由於他充滿著歧視的態度,無理地取消了同學們的參賽資格,破壞了運動會的進行。到底王SIR的真正身份是誰呢?同學們又會如何把被破壞了的運動會變回一個平等細路運動會呢?藉著這個故事,希望同學們能認識到消除歧視的重要。此劇曾受平等機會委員會贊助演出。 《校園幹探易合一之垃圾桶奇案》易合一為人聰明機警而且喜歡查根究底,所以得名「校園幹探」。近來校園非常太平,經過一輪觀察之後,易合一終於發現可疑人物──他的同班同學多士妹和神神秘秘的校工全叔似有不可告人的事情正在垃圾桶中進行。究竟垃圾桶內的神秘東西是甚麼呢?全叔和多士妹的真正目的又是甚麼呢?此劇帶出將垃圾分類和廢物利用的環境保護訊息。此劇曾受公民教育委員會及香港藝術發展局贊助演出。 《校園幹探易合一之學習障礙賽》在大細路小學3D班中來了新同學阿明,他曾常常遇到的評語是「明明佢係可以做得到,不過又懶又心散,家長又唔督促佢溫習.」這都是有〝特殊學習障礙〞學童的普遍情況。易合一和充滿愛心的MissLee,他們如何發現及幫助阿明,帶出兒童及老師們對學習障礙的誤解及正確的了解方法。此劇曾受優質教育基金贊助演出。
Come to Class 3D Easter Party to enjoy three educational drama productions on the same day!
Equality Game
Mr. Wong is the chief referee of Jumbo Kids Primary School Sports Day this year. He is a prejudiced person who unreasonably disqualified student’s participation and undermined the process of the game. What do you think his real identity is?
If you are a student from Jumbo Kids Primary School, what will you do? Through this story, we would like to bring out the importance of eliminating discrimination and reaching equality. This performance is sponsored by Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC).
School Detective 2 in 1 – The mystery of a trash can</strong></p>
<p class="font_8">Toasty and school worker – Mr.Chuan have been suspiciously wandering around a trash can lately. Are they hiding something inside the trash can? Are they planning on something ?
"School Detective 2 in 1 - The mystery of a trash can" was once sponsored by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, hoping to improve environmental awareness within the community on waste sorting and recycling.
School Detective 2 in 1 – Obstacle Course
Let’s welcome Jumbo Kids Primary School Class 3D new student – Ming who was being diagnosed with learning disability. 2 in 1 and Miss Lee therefore decides to jump in and help resolving students’ and teachers’ misconceptions about learning disabilities. This performance was once sponsored by the Quality Education Fund.
Production Team
Performance date and time
House Programe
Audience Comments