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大細路劇團 & 香港兒藝聯盟《反斗西遊記》"The Last Journey to the West"

Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall
​Number of Performance:
6 場

Story introduction

這是一次港澳兩地兒童劇藝的文化交流演出。 唐僧師徒五人跋山涉水,終抵達雷音寺大雄寶殿。卻因近年人間經濟不景,編制內的仙職空位僅餘四個,五師徒中必須「叮」走一人。誰也不願意承認自己無用,當場大打出手。觀音決定從師徒歷經八十劫中抽取一個分析,以功過論成敗,結果馬上揭曉……《反斗西遊記》勢要將大家傳統認知的「取西經」內情反轉再反轉! 孫悟空真係咁逞強好勝?豬八戒係咪好食懶飛? 沙和尚真係任勞任怨?白龍馬係咪唔識講嘢? 唐僧原來先至係……

"Journey to the West" is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of the Chinese literature, and it fictionalizes a Buddhist monk’s pilgrimage to India (then known as the western Regions) which is full of spiritual insights. To fetch back the sacred scriptures, the monk and his protectors set off the journey follows with lots of adventures and they overcome terrific challenges. The Little Mountain Arts Association enacts "The Last Journey to the West" in a fun and playful way through puppets, magic, dance and singing. This Cantonese children’s theatre play tells a moral: team spirit and environmental awareness are important.

Production Team

聯合導演:林英傑、許國權 (澳門)

編劇:鄧曉炯 (澳門)

聯合監製:李惜英、龍子滔、鄧小蓮 (澳門)

助理監製黃筱淇 (澳門)


燈光設計:龍展鵬 (澳門)

音響設計︰陳銘健 (澳門)

服裝設計:李玉司 (澳門)

化妝設計:李祉霖 (澳門)

化妝師:鄭蓮花、孔綺湘 (澳門)

道具設計:張健嫻 (澳門)

武術指導:梁穎浩 (澳門)

歌唱指導:李庭芝 (澳門)

編舞:黃筱淇 (澳門)、莫倩婷 (澳門)


執行舞台監督:鄧小蓮 (澳門)

助理舞台監督:吳亦玲 (澳門)

作曲 / 填詞:盧偉研 (澳門)

編曲:曾慶欣 (澳門)、盧偉研 (澳門)

助理舞台監督:何嘉露 (澳門)

後台主任:蔡倩雯 (澳門)



Performance date and time

House Programe


Audience Comments


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