
澳門藝術節《魔法寶石》澳門演出 "The Magic Stone"
Small Auditorium, Macao Cultural Centre
Number of Performance:
Story introduction
《魔法寶石》是一個關於夢想、勇氣和愛的傳奇故事,由本地原創劇本、第六屆澳門文學獎戲劇組獲獎作品編演而成。演出融合魔術表演、歌唱及舞蹈,觀眾將與劇中人物一起分享主人公的成長歴程,共同經歷一段充滿繽紛色彩的魔幻傳奇! 膽小的達達王子由於性格溫和柔弱,在排演故事劇時經常達不到導演的要求。快樂公主為了幫助達達王子,借來傳說中可以助人如願的魔法寶石。奸邪的國師串通巫師,不但搶走魔法寶石,把快樂公主抓走,更將國王變成玩偶。同時,他想到了一個可以控制世界的可怕方法……
“The Magic Stone” is an original screenplay adapted from the winning works of the 6th Vi Festival Literario De Macau Best Writing, Drama. It is a story about courage, love, and dream in combination of theatrical effects like magic tricks, singing and dancing.
Prince Tatar is a timid person who always fail to meet director’s requirements during rehearsal. Princess Happy therefore borrows a magic stone - a “Wish-Fulfilling” gem to help Prince Tatar. Overseeing all this, devil masters and wicked wizards decided to steal and make use of the magic stone to control the world…..
Production Team
監製;鄧小蓮 (澳門)
編劇:鄧曉炯 (澳門)
燈光設計:龍展鵬 (澳門)
舞台設計:龍展鵬 (澳門)、許國權 (澳門)
服裝設計:紀粵 (澳門)
魔術顧問:蘇大新 (澳門)
Performance date and time
House Programe


Audience Comments