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澳門小山藝術會《親親廿四孝》澳門演出 "24 Stories"

Small Auditorium, Macao Cultural Centre
​Number of Performance:

Story introduction

中國民間流傳了很多「孝」的故事, 這些故事對我們現代人有什麼意義? 大細路劇團希望透過親身感受, 讓我們的新生代體會自己的幸福, 及思考應有的態度和責任; 同時亦希望家長能反思親子相處之道。 第一部分:「完全廿四孝手冊」,演員會一氣呵成, 演繹二十四個中國民間有關「孝」的故事。 第二部分:「互動廿四孝攻略」,觀眾與演員共同創作, 交流探索傳統「孝」的含意,及如何放諸現代處境中, 度身訂造一本適合自己的「廿四孝手冊」。

“24 Stories”, based on the text of the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, is about filial piety - an important Chinese cultural value since ancient times.

In this performance, Jumbo Kids Theatre will reinterpret this ancient value in hope to pass it to the next generation. In the first half of the performance, actors will introduce all 24 stories. And at the second half, audience will co-create the stories, explore their own definition of filial piety and share thoughts on how to emerge filial piety into their daily life.

Production Team


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Performance date and time

House Programe


Audience Comments


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