大細路劇團《3D小劇場》"3D Fringe Festival"
Exhibition Gallery, Sha Tin Town Hall
Number of Performance:
Story introduction
三套各有不同互動特色的兒童劇,曾在超過二百場的演出中,帶給近六萬名不同年齡觀眾一個難忘的愉快經歷。各位大人細路將可親身走進大細路劇團的「3D小劇場」,零距離擁有這個愉快的經歷。 三套劇包括曾於2004國際綜藝合家歡首演的《綠野仙踪》、曾於全港小學巡迴演出的《平等細運會》及《3D互動百變機》。《綠野仙踪》以家傳戶曉的故事,開創兒童劇「歷奇遊樂場」的先河,首演時好評如潮,被評為具創造性及啟發性的專業演出,首演時門票於一星期內售罄;《平等細運會》及《3D互動百變機》曾被各學校評為富教育意義,能活潑生動地帶出「歧視不存在,世界更可愛」的主題,數年間多次於全港小學重演。 《3D小劇場》將以三種各有不同的互動方式,配合精心設計的觀眾席,讓家長與小朋友投入劇情,大朋友化身小學生,小朋友搖身一變成為拯救「細運會」的英雄等等,觀眾的參與就是劇情發展的關鍵﹗家長陪同孩子欣賞這三套饒有教育意義的戲劇之餘,更可一起參與劇情發展,體會藝術與親子關係的crossover。 《綠野仙踪~袖珍版》(適合3歲或以上) 在遊戲中尋找智慧、愛心和勇氣。 《平等細運會》(適合6歲或以上) 與3D班同學仔一起拯救大細路運動會。 《3D互動百變機》(適合8歲或以上) 平面變3D,消除家庭崗位歧視都易啲。
Come to 3D Fringe Festival and enjoy three interactive theatrical productions on the same day! Productions include “The Wizard of Oz” premiered at the 2004 International Arts Carnival, School touring performance “Equality Game” and “Inside the 3D reinvention machine”. Your participation is the key to the development of the story plot.
“The Wizard of Oz” (suitable for 3 years old or above) is based on a well-known American children’s novel. It was rated as one of the most creative and inspirational performances when it was first premiered. “Equality Game” (suitable for 6 years old or above) and “Inside the 3D reinvention machine” (suitable for 8 years old or above) both aim to bring out the importance of eliminating discrimination and reaching equality.
Production Team
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Performance date and time
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Audience Comments